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Rules & Regulations on Car Park Usage:
1. Vehicles parked within the car park are at the sole risk of the owners, and the Management will not be responsible for any loss or damage howsoever caused.
2. Access into and parking within the car park of the development shall be at the absolute discretion of the Management and subject to the rules herein and such other terms determined by the Management from time to time.
3. The car park has a height limit of 2.7 metres and 2.1 metres at Basement 1 and Basement 2 respectively but some areas in Basement 1 are less than 2.7 metres.
4. There is a speed limit of 20km/hour for vehicles moving within the estate.
5. Unauthorised vehicles are not permitted to park overnight within the development unless prior written permission has been sought and written approval has been obtained from the Management.
6. The Management shall have the right and may at its absolute discretion immobilize by use of wheel-clamps or remove by use of tow trucks:
- any unauthorised vehicle found parked within reserved lots;
- any unauthorised vehicle found parked after 12.00 midnight;
- and vehicle found parked in a indiscriminate or inconsiderate manner;
- any vehicle found parked along the driveway or at any non-designated areas or across two lots.
7. The owner/driver of a vehicle that has been immobilized/removed, shall without dispute, pay to the Management a fee of $200.00 for the release of the clamps. If the vehicle is parked with the wheel-clamp overnight for more than 24 hours, the wheel-clamp shall only be removed on payment of a surcharge of $30.00 per day in addition to the fee of $200.00
By Order
The Management Corporation Strata Title Plan No. 3880
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